June 4th Market Report

I’ve been involved with farmers markets both as a seller and now as a market manager for more years than I care to admit.  I’m often asked what is the key to a good market day?  I always need to stop and think because there are so many reasons.  Some will tell you it is all weather-related.  The nicer the day the better the crowd.  Others will tell you it’s the vendor themselves, that a variety of products and reasonable prices are the key.  Still, others will say it depends on what are the alternatives going on that day as customers can’t be in two places at once.  And others will say customers need a reason to come to the market, a “draw” be it entertainment or some other happening to participate in.  And all of these answers are correct. I’ve also come to understand that it requires something that can’t be sold by a vendor.  It’s the energy that comes from bringing a group of people together who are having a good time and enjoying the day.  It’s the coming together of friends and neighbors to visit and socialize.  It’s a sense of adventure as to what you might discover. The relationships that can build over time between the vendors and the customers.  And the knowledge that you’re directly supporting a small business that cares about their product, produced the product, and wants to share that product.  All of these things make for a successful market.

The one common denominator however that I have found that is a part of every successful farmers market is the support of the community.  Without that support, nothing we can do as vendors can translate into a good market day.  For the past 30-plus years, the Millbrook community has supported and patronized our market.  That support is very much appreciated.  In return, I will strive to continue to offer a range of vendors and products. And with some good luck and hard work 30 years from now, the market will still be a fixture of the Village on Saturday mornings.

Whatever your reason for going to the market, I’m glad you come.  Maybe it’s because you really like the baker who has that bread or dessert that is simply delicious.  Or perhaps the produce is so fresh you never thought a tomato could taste that good.  Perhaps even you’ll try something new and create a meal you’ve never had before. Or, maybe you just want to grab a cup of coffee and sit down and visit with a neighbor.  Whatever your reason I hope you’ll come out this coming Saturday and visit the market, and bring a friend.  

Millbrook Farmers Market Manager


Strawberry SEASON


Opening Weekend Report